CORSE - 2017
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Julien Langou (UCDenver) is visiting professor from September 2016 till July 2017

  • Henrique Cota de Freitas (PUC Minas) visited the team for a week in April 2017 (Pedro Penna's thesis)

  • Philippe Navaux (UFRGS) visited the team for a week in February 2017. (HPC4e project)

  • Paolo Rech (UFRGS) visited the team for a week in September 2017 (EnergySFE project).

  • Mohamad Jaber (American University of Beirut, Lebanon) visited the team for a week in January 2017.

  • Maurice Tchuente (Yaoundé 1) visited the team for a week in June 2017 (related to Thomas Messi Nguele's thesis).

  • Márcio Castro (UFSC) visited the team for two weeks in February 2017 (EnergySFE project).

  • Laercio Pilla (UFSC) visited the team for a week in December 2017 (EnergySFE project).

Visits to International Teams

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for one week (July 2017) the UFRGS (Porto Alegre) and the GPPD group for the HPC4e project.

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for one week (July 2017) the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro for the HPC4e project.

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for one day (July 2017) the LNCC to prepare the research work for the chaire position and also for the HPC4e project.

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for a week (August 2017) the LaPeSD and ECL laboratories at UFSC (Florianopolis). He was member of the master jurie of Pedro Penna. This visit was funded by the EnergySFE project.

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for one week (August 2017) the PUC Minas to prepare the cotutelle agreement of the Pedro Penna's PhD. This agreement is signed between PUC Minas, LIG, Ecole Doctorale MSTII, Post-Graduation program of PUC Minas and the COMUE Grenoble Alpes.

  • Jean-François Méhaut visited for one day (December 2017) the French consulate in Rio de Janeiro and the CNRS Bureau. He presented the first results of the research work at LNCC.

Sabbatical programme
  • Fabrice Rastello is on sabbatical at Colorado State University (USA) from July 2017 till July 2018

Research Stays Abroad
  • Jean-François Méhaut holds a Chaire position at Laboratório Nacional Computação Cientifica (LNCC) in Petrópolis (Brazil). This Chaire position is funded by the LNCC and the French Consulate in Rio de Janeriro.